Human-centered design for human-centered work.

About Seedfolk

Seedfolk Partners is a social venture consulting group dedicated to bringing human-centered design (or Design Thinking) to social impact systems and initiatives, including school systems, non-profits, foundations, civic organizations, and socially-minded businesses.

Our Mission

Seedfolk specializes in applying human-centered design to solve real challenges, train leaders and educators, and launch innovation programs and initiatives.

Human-centered design (aka “design thinking”) is a problem-solving framework based on empathy and iteration—generating better solutions, more stakeholder buy-in, and more flexible mindsets from those who employ it.

What We Do for You

  • We will facilitate design thinking for every challenge, with every age group.

    Hire us to facilitate:

    • innovation challenges

    • organizational planning

    • internal problem-solving

    • community design sessions

    • redesign initiatives

  • We train leaders and educators in design thinking so that they can apply it to their own contexts and facilitate it with others. We specialize in user adoption of design thinking methodologies.

    Hire us to train and coach the following professions in the application of design thinking:

    • teachers

    • administrators

    • after-school program facilitators

    • aspiring entrepreneurs

    • workforce development professionals

  • We utilize design thinking to do the human-centered work needed to make visions come to life.

    • Hire us to get a project off the ground

    • We provide fractional or short-term support to launch an initiative or design a program.

Recommended Reading

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